With props for the most accurate description of a sore throat ever to Carmel Lobello of death & taxes—"Without going into too many details, I have a sinus infection, which comes with a sore throat that makes me feel like I’m gulping wood splinters every time I swallow, a cough which has led me to pull a rib-muscle, and the kind of headache that makes you consider breaking your pinky toe with a hammer just to transfer the pain."
And one really angry guy who saw what patients would refer to as the doctor from hell—"For those who aren’t going to read,
bottom line, I had a doctor who ignored her patient’s medical history
and symptoms, berated me and treated me with such passive aggressive
nonsense that I felt it necessary to write a 2,700 word blog post about
it. In the end, I got the prescription I came for."
What an eloquent description of a sinus infection - probably the best I've heard in a while! I have literally started inflicting pain on other body parts just to take my mind of off my sinus headaches for a few seconds. No exaggeration there!